Beyond Ordinary
Dive into Alchemies Gold Plan Details

Gold Plan

Genetic modulation kit

A kit containing genetic-stimulating medicine along with tailored guidelines based on previous case history and a personalized diet chart and excercises . The diet chart specifies essential foods catered to individual requirements.

Our comprehensive program begins with personalized case evaluations, ensuring tailored solutions that address your unique needs. You’ll receive customized diet charts and engage in brain exercises to boost cognitive abilities. Crafting a vision board aids in manifesting aspirations, while guided meditation fosters mental clarity. Our concentration pills enhance focus and productivity. Explore the benefits of brain wave therapy for improved cognitive function. Weekly guidance supports your progress, and parental counseling is available for added support. Additionally, benefit from genetic taste analysis to refine your diet, incorporating a genetic diet chart and medicine tailored to your genetic makeup, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being.

Experience the pinnacle of personalized care with genetic taste analysis, diet charts, medicines, and holistic well-being. Your optimal health awaits.


Choose Your Plan

Basic Plan

/per month
For 4 Months
  • Personalized Case Taking
  • Tailored Diet Chart
  • Brain Exercises
  • Vision Board
  • Meditation Guidance
  • ConcentrationPills
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Premium Plan

/per month
For 4 Months
  • All Basic Plan Features
  • Brain Wave Therapy
  • Weekly Guidance
  • Parents Counselling
View Plan

Gold Plan

/per Month
For 4 Months
  • All Basic Plan Features
  • All Preium Plan Features
  • Genetic Taste Analysis
  • Genetic Diet Chart
  • Genetic Medicine
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